I guess, we could blame it on the rain.

self-perfection, critical faculties;
altruism, honesty, responsibility;
strength of character, veiled sensuality.

Truth be told, I'm not the most responsible person.
More of a dreamer; not so much a realist.
Music is my life.
Angus & Julia Stone. Above & Beyond. Skylar Grey. Christina Perri. Ben Howard. Parachute. Chase Coy. Joe Brooks. Adele. Foster the People.
Without them, I almost certainly wouldn't be the person I am now.
I'm not ashamed to say that I haven't truly figured out who I am and what I want. I'm still growing. I'm still learning.

"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."

Pourquoi, le monde est curieux

» Monday 17 October 2011 / -02:32

Listening to: Radioactive - Marina & The Diamonds
Mood: Tired

I'm not going to bother blogging much today. I actually came on to rant, cause I feel like it :3

So, today, I'm going to rant about my Business teacher, cause she's a fucking lazy bitch.

What is her fucking deal, seriously? Stupid lazy twat. Why are we paying her to sit on her fat ass in class and go on Facebook, while we learn the chapters by ourselves?

AND WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. She's not going to mark my book because I gave it in late. Fine, I gave it in late. My mistake. Dude, what are you going to gain if you don't mark my book? And how am I supposed to improve? How the fuck is this a legitimate excuse for you to be a lazy bitch?


What a wanker.

Just die in a hole please, bitch. I can't stand you, your face, or just you.

I have never been so pissed off in my life. Stupid cunt.

I wouldn't even mind killing you with potassium right now.

I wasn't intending to swear today, but she pissed the fuck out of me. I'm not thanking her after each lesson anymore, cause frankly, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to thank someone for nothing.

On a brighter note, Chemistry was amazing today. The test was alright; I know I'm not going to ace it, but whatever. I like Mr. Gopal, cause he's not a lazy bitch.

So, we did this amazing experiment today where he threw potassium into water, and it actually burned. IT WAS SO EPIC. We wore these retarded goggles and ogled when he threw it in. He was so scared, it was hilarious.

Anyway, it caught fire and started swimming around the water when suddenly it exploded.

The look on everyone's face was priceless. We were all shocked for awhile, then we started clapping and laughing like 5 year-olds.


So, Laura and I hung out in the music room during Break, and we skipped assembly. We were having our heart-to-heart talk, when Mr. Howie just appeared from nowhere and went BOO!

We screamed like total idiots.

Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty average, and I'm proud to say that I don't feel anything when I look at him now. Wow, I got over him after liking him for 2 weeks. Guess I never liked him that much.

Okay, so I'm going to wash off my mask. It's the African mask today :3

"You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by. It’s actions, not words, that matter."

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» Thursday 13 October 2011 / -03:12

Listening to: White Flag - Dido
Mood: Calm

I'm listening to my calming playlist now with my soothing mask on, and the lights are off. I don't have any homework today, so all I'm going to do right now is chill.

I was going to do this major rant on my Accounting teacher, but you know, that can wait. I'm in a very "peaceful" mood right now, and I'm not going to let some stupid bitch ruin it.

So, I'm currently crush-less right now, and I intend to keep it that way for now, even if it makes me feel kind of empty sometimes. But you know, its cool. I'll live.

Oh, and I'm obsessed with this line in You and Me by Parachute. It's the sweetest thing ever; if someone said that to me, I think I would die :3

"You get the car; I'll get the cash; We'll take the money and run, cause it was you and me against the world."

Dream Guy, where are you? I long for the way you would serenade me on impulse; the way you would kiss me on the forehead.

Going to wash my mask off.

"But there’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking."

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» Wednesday 12 October 2011 / -01:52

Listening to: The Reason - Hoobastank
Mood: Happy

Today was pretty epic, again. Homeroom slash Prep was really fun; Nicole, Linh and I were just talking about guys. I never realized how much I missed obsessing about guys properly. Usually I'd just laugh and agree, but this time, wow, it was intense.

Linh and I basically talked about guy-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned here during break, and I told her how everytime I look at him, I seem to catch his eye. I'm pretty sure it's just my imagination, but she thinks he's into me.


My Mom's gossiping with my Aunt downstairs, and I'm shamelessly eavesdropping like a boss.

MS. SUSHILA DIDN'T COME TODAY. When I entered the class and saw that she wasn't there, I screamed. Maybe I didn't scream, but I.. squealed? :3

Yeah, whatever. I was doing my Math homework in Accounting, cause Mr. Lim gives shit loads of homework and we were expected to hand it in today.

Anyway, I don't think I like him that much after all! I mean, if what Linh said today made me so happy, does that mean I don't like him? I basically spazzed over news involving some other guy. Oh well, guess it was the idea of him I liked. He's a cocky bitch, anyway.

I'm going to wash off my mask before my skin dries up... Dry skin's disgusting.

"There’s no limit to what you can dream. You expect the unexpected, you believe in magic, in fairy tales, and in possibilities. Then you grow older and that innocence is shattered and somewhere along the way the reality of life gets in the way and you’re hit by the realization that you can’t be all you wanted to be, you just might have to settle for a little bit less."

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» Tuesday 11 October 2011 / -02:08

Listening to: Radioactive - Marina & The Diamonds
Mood: Happy

Today was quite an epic day. Fobissea ECA was SO. FUN. I'm not even kidding.

So, I'm rooming with Lilly now. I feel really bad for ditching Ashley, though.... Hope she's not mad at me. She said she wasn't, but people never mean what they say. I should know, cause I do that a lot.

Literature's my favourite subject now, my grades are getting better and I love having Lit with Ms Chong. And I kind of like English too, even though I suck at Directed Writing. I got 88 for the essay test though! (Y)

The Add Math test was really hard though; I want a mark over 90. And I'm kind of screwed for Business and the upcoming Physics test.

Nicole might be sleeping over this weekend! A sleepover, finally. My last sleepover was on my birthday, which was pretty fun :3

I have to make a playlist for Kaberi; I promised her I would give it to her tomorrow........... AND OH MY GOD, I FOUND THIS MAJORLY EPIC VIDEO OF KABERI WHEN SHE WAS TEN! She was so adorable!! Adorable child with her British accent :3

I don't think I actually like him that much... Maybe I just felt that there was something we left behind. Apparently he used to hit on me, and I did like him before.... I wonder if that's why? Maybe that's why I just subconsciously liked him again. Maybe cause we had unfinished business, even though we had nothing right from the start.

He can be such a hot and cold bitch, and I kind of miss how we used to flirt so much and now we don't even talk.

Anyway, it's cool. I don't like him that much. Maybe its just the idea of him I like. Not him as a person.

Ms Sushila doesn't give two shits about us, I swear. She's such an annoying twat. She never marks our books properly, and she made us do the test in the first half an hour and let us off pretty much for the remaining hour. We could have used the first half an hour to study for the test, so what on earth is her problem?

Anyway, Jonah, Linh and I were just playing this sick, twisted game of interviewing, and it was hilarious. It was so fun :3

Okay, so my dad wants me to read something on Steve Jobs.

"In the dark of the night, I was tossing and turning. And the nightmare I had was as dark as can be. It scared me out of my wits, a corpse falling to bits. Then I opened my eyes, and the nightmare was me."

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» Saturday 8 October 2011 / -03:51

Listening to: Invisible - Skylar Grey
Mood: Dreamy

So, I just made a new playlist- Filmic.

1. Filmic - Above & Beyond
2. Alchemy - Above & Beyond ft. Zoë Johnston
3. Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
4. The Devil's Tears - Angus & Julia Stone
5. Icarus - White Hinterland
6. Toes - Lights
7. Diamonds - Ben Howard
8. Distance - Christina Perri
9. Skinny Love - Birdy
10. The Ladder - Andrew Belle
11. Invisible - Skylar Grey
12. You Got To Go - Above & Beyond ft. Zoë Johnston
13. White Flag - Dido
14. S.O.S. (The Sounds of Silence) - Trinity FM
15. The Reason - Hoobastank


I really wish I didn't like him again. The thought of me liking him is just absurd, anyway. Not that I'm ever going to tell him, for many reasons.

So, I went to Soon Seng's house with Anne, Hugh and Rachel the other day. It was actually really fun, which I totally didn't really expect.

So, we watched Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford. Am I just weird, or was the third part of his speech - Death - the most fascinating part? I can be such a creep sometimes. Apparently, there were loads of New-Age influences but I thought the speech was amazing.

Anyway, there are 4 things I'm looking forward to right now.

1. Getting my CD's.
I'm getting them on the 17th! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! Joe Brooks, Chase Coy, Parachute... Need I even say more?

It's going to be so fun. Highlights? My best friend's going. Although we're not rooming together, we're going to have the best time, nevertheless. End of. Blondie's going........

Okay.... It's fairly obvious who Blondie is, so I'm going to stop now...... Not that I'm obsessed, but he is seriously hot. Did I mention he's got a nice ass too?

Okay, I'm really going to stop now................

3. Pretty Little Liars, continue, ASAP maybe?
The new episode's only up on the 19th, which is annoying. Ten more days. The last episode was so good, I can't even.........

Apparently, there's a HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!!! I have to watch it with Nicole.

4. A Reason to Swim by Joe Brooks
Please, please, please just sell it in Malaysia already!!!

So that's all I'm looking forward to right now. I'm looking forward to my breakfast too, but I don't think you'll be very amused if that ends up on my list.

Anyway, going to watch How I Met Your Mother now........

"Everyone has an angel. A guardian who watches over us. We can’t know what form they’ll take. One day, old man. Next day, little girl. But don’t let appearances fool you. They can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they’re not here to fight our battles, but to whisper from our heart… reminding that it’s us. It’s everyone of us who holds the power over the worlds we create."


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She built up a world of magic.

#1 Alchemy - Above & Beyond ft. Zoë Johnston
#2 The Ladder - Andrew Belle
#3 My Love - Westlife
#4 What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
#5 Diamonds - Ben Howard
#6 You Got to Go - Above & Beyond ft. Zoë Johnston
#7 The Death of You and Me - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
#8 My Heart Will Wait - Joe Brooks
#9 Radioactive - Marina & the Diamonds
#10 Invisible - Skylar Grey

"Perfection is not just about control. It is also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence. Very few have it in them."